Look What The Cat Drug In

Here's where we go to kick back after the races with our pals. Pour a tall one, punch a few buttons on the jukebox, and relax...
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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby 23t » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:21 am

Best of luck to you WC, no matter where your path in life leads you.

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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby draglist » Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:17 am

Weird deal here: I'm attempting to force this thread to update because 23T submitted a response that I can't see.

If I'm successful, we will see Boyd's latest post and this one. bp
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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby draglist » Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:28 am

Looks like there was a ghost in the machine... Boyd, if you did post here, it didn't get saved. Please send again. bp
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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby 23t » Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:04 am

(REPOSTED).........Best of luck to you WC, no matter where your path in life leads you.

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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby Billy Mac » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:09 pm

I'm sorry to hear this news, Cat...but I can identify with the dilemma(sp?) I have said for some time, that there is (almost) nothing I can't do...in my own way and in my own time. The problem with that is "boss folks" want things done THEIR way. "Hopefully" the bosses can and will put your myriad talents to use to the benefit of all parties involved..."WE" know your worth...hopefully they will too.
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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby Novel-T » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:16 am

Damn and I said something supportive and profound. :mrgreen: Just kidding.The first time I retired it was my choice,but the idea was forced on me.My career in telecomunications was a great way to make a living,until,top management was taken over by young outside execs.They were determinded to get rid of any one over 55.The job became miserable.I didn't so much retire,but quit my job.The package offered made it benificial to do so.
The home improvement business has been good for me,but this last summer my arthritis has made it difficult to keep up with the young men I was working.Also with all the deaths this last year and my mom,I've retired again.I haven't worked since August..I'll be 65 in May and will receive Canada's old age pension.It's going to be alright
John,I wish there was something to say to give you support and confidence.

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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby WildcatOne » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:46 pm

Thanks, my friends. Billy, thank you for your post. Boyd, you and I have had identical experiences throughout our lives, my brother.

All this aside, there is a deeper, more serious problem I'm dealing with right now. It could be a phase I'm going through, but I am having a great deal of difficulty with my thought process. I could give a few dozen examples of how bad it's getting, but suffice it to say I am no longer anywhere near on top of my deal like I was a year ago. I can't put words together, I can't think things out, I can't seem to get a grip on the big picture anymore. It just doesn't show up. I'm blank most of the time. I'm making big mistakes. I'm losing track of what I'm doing.

I have a constant dull headache. It could be I just need new glasses. It could be I'm taking the wrong vitamins. It could be I need a bigger computer screen. It could be I'm not getting enough rest, but I'm forcing myself to get 8 hours of sleep a night now. It could be my diet (I'm dieting and have lost 4 pounds with a goal of 10 for 2011). It could be stress. It could be that I'm getting Alzheimer's disease. Whatever it is, I'm aware of it, big-time...I've always been big on detail and quality control and I QC myself all the time...lately I'm not making the grade; not even coming close.

I'm being careful. I'm handling my schedule fairly well but not like I used to. I made a committment to attend an after-funeral get-together with a longtime friend whose Dad died a week after mine did. He came to town for the ceremony. When the day came to meet up with him, I completely forgot the whole thing. It was less than a mile from where I work. When I got home that day my wife even asked me "Aren't you supposed to be at an art gallery right now, something to do with a funeral?" I looked straight at her and said "No. I have the night off." When I got an email from my friend 2 days later, I realized what I had done. That's the earliest example I can think of. That was in December.

Last night I was running my microphone cable across the stage, going behind the equipment with it so the mic cord wouldn't be running across where we walk. I didn't see the electrical box sticking out of the wall at head-level height and looking down, I whacked my head right into it while I was walking along stringing the cord behind the drum kit. It knocked me out on my feet. I stood there hanging onto the wall for a couple of minutes, seeing stars, completely wiped out. Then within a few seconds, everything came back...clear, sharp and in full...I was fine. It lasted until I got up this morning. Maybe I oughta get weekly head-whacks from electrical boxes.

This has put me into overdrive to write my book and make my albums...I want to make every word and every note count from now on. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut about this, but as weird as it may seem, this is where the people I trust are. Thanks for being my friends. WC1
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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby draglist » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:26 pm

You are sharing in the right place, John. Best of luck with everything you are trying to do. bp
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Re: Look What The Cat Drug In

Postby Maritime Drag Racing » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:37 am

As long it doesn't affect your ability to do complicated stuff like play music - as in changing chords, staying in tune and tempo, etc, it's not likely too serious. I sometimes forget important stuff and my short term memory is not the best but it's been that way for so long I just figure it's part of getting old. As far as the headache goes you could be right about it being time for new glasses or monitor. I used to get dull headaches when I spent too much working on the computer but I found an instant cure when I stepped up to a larger monitor.

Could be "seasonal affective disorder" too - a close friend of mine has it bad and he turns into this "Jekyll and Hyde" person in the middle of the winter. Every time it happens he tells his wife he's getting Alzheimers but come spring he's back to his old self again. I'm trying to be positive here and give a few simple explanations but the bottom line is you should have a long talk with your Doctor if there is any possibility of it being more than just getting old or having the winter blahs.

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