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Rankings updated: 06/16/24 02:03:11 am EDT

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Dan Bowker Collection Dan Bowker (M) from Owosso, Michigan USA   (Comp Nr/Finish: ) 1966 - Category: EXHIBITION, Type: ON, Class: Exhibition, Div: 3
"Dan Bowker" Owned by Dan Bowker from Owosso, Michigan USA Crew Chief: Dan Bowker
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle by Logghe Stamping Co. | Powered by Injected Nitro 427 Ford Wedge with direct drive
1/4 Mile ET: Unknown at Unknown         1/4 Mile MPH: Unknown at Unknown
1000 FT ET: Unknown at Unknown    1000 FT MPH: Unknown at Unknown
1/8 Mile ET: Unknown at Unknown    1/8 Mile MPH: Unknown at Unknown
Entry's 1966 Performance Ratings (0 to 100) based on comparison to average ET/MPH:
1/4 Mile Rating: ET 00.00, MPH 00.00    Entry is 0.00000 times average ET and 0.00000 times average MPH
1000 FT Rating: ET 00.00, MPH 00.00 Entry is 0.00000 times average ET and 0.00000 times average MPH
1/8 Mile Rating: ET 00.00, MPH 00.00 Entry is 0.00000 times average ET and 0.00000 times average MPH
1966 Records: 1/4 Mile: 8.240 ET, 183.00 MPH    1000 Ft. 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH    1/8 Mile: 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH   
1966 Average: 1/4 Mile: 9.188 ET, 168.00 MPH 1000 Ft. 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH 1/8 Mile: 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH
1966 Minimum: 1/4 Mile: 9.688 ET, 153.62 MPH 1000 Ft. 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH 1/8 Mile: 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH
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Notes: Article in 10/6/66 Drag Times has Bowker losing a match race to the Chevy-powered bike of E.J. Potter ("The Michigan Madman") at Motor City Dragway in St. Clair, Michigan. - RT | Info added by Dan Bowker 2/22/2014: Photo plus text: I hardly ever kept track of my ET or MPH. Most of the time I ran the bike was for exhibition and just smoked most of the 1/4 mile and didn't get much traction with the old M&H tires. When I first started riding the bike I found out when it started to hook up it would raise the front wheel, so after that, when I felt the engine start to bough I'd just roll on more power and keep the tire loose. I learned that lesson the hard way. About the first time I made a hard pass, it hooked up, I pulled the chute, the bike stopped and I slid for 700 feet. I went through the lights on my, butt at 168.94 (I remember that pass). That was when I added the air dam over the front wheel. That fixed the problem and kept the forks pretty much squashed. So as long as I was not racing anyone I just let it eat. Most promoters just wanted to see smoke anyway. I built the bike in 1960 and ran it until about 1975 I guess. I was in Gainesville Fl. And tipped the can a tad too much and blew my cool injected motor to pieces. I sold it to a Friend here in Florida to restore it. He sold it to Bruce Della in Mass. I am not sure who has it now. I lived in Owosso, Michigan, when I built the bike and had Logghe Stamping Co. build the frame. I was one of the first to use a Crowerglide clutch. Thanks, Dan
Submitted by Ron Thums, Last updated on Sunday, November 3, 2019, 10:30:15 AM by Dan Bowker. Approved by Bill Pratt.

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