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© Ted Pappacena
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Arnie Beswick (M) from Morrison, Illinois USA   (Comp Nr/Finish: ) 1965 - Category: FUELFC, Type: FN, Class: Match Race, Div: 3
"Gay Pontiac" Owned by Arnie Beswick from Morrison, Illinois USA Crew Chief: Arnie Behling
'63 Pontiac Tempest by Factory | Powered by Supercharged Nitro 421 Pontiac by Arnie Beswick with direct drive
1/4 Mile ET: 9.950 at Unknown         1/4 Mile MPH: Unknown at Unknown
1000 FT ET: Unknown at Unknown    1000 FT MPH: Unknown at Unknown
1/8 Mile ET: Unknown at Unknown    1/8 Mile MPH: Unknown at Unknown
Entry's 1965 Performance Ratings (0 to 100) based on comparison to average ET/MPH:
1/4 Mile Rating: ET 32.18, MPH 00.00    Entry is 1.02156 times average ET and 0.00000 times average MPH
1000 FT Rating: ET 00.00, MPH 00.00 Entry is 0.00000 times average ET and 0.00000 times average MPH
1/8 Mile Rating: ET 00.00, MPH 00.00 Entry is 0.00000 times average ET and 0.00000 times average MPH
1965 Records: 1/4 Mile: 8.630 ET, 178.92 MPH    1000 Ft. 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH    1/8 Mile: 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH   
1965 Average: 1/4 Mile: 9.740 ET, 150.00 MPH 1000 Ft. 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH 1/8 Mile: 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH
1965 Minimum: 1/4 Mile: 10.318 ET, 141.24 MPH 1000 Ft. 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH 1/8 Mile: 0.000 ET, 0.00 MPH
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Notes: Arnie Beswick might not have been the biggest winner of the sixties, but he did put on a hell of a show. Beswick was a loyal Pontiac racer, though there was a short stint with a factory-supported Comet A/FX in early 1965. The "Tameless Tiger" 1963 funny car was home-built from 1963 lightweight factory Tempest parts and steel to replace the previous blown GTO's weight and wheelbase restrictions. Working doors, wheelbase mods, and leaf springs meant it was a little scary, to say the least. Beswick had already stepped up to blown nitro after beginning with gas in the previous GTO at the urging of future funny car star Frank Oglesby. This gave the greater Chicago area three blown nitro funny cars in 1964, including Gary Dyer in the Mr. Norm's Dodge, Ron Pellegrini's Super Mustang, and Beswick's goat. In addition to the wheelbase changes, the "Tameless Tiger" was rebuilt to be much lighter than when it first raced in A/FX. How much of the rare original FX vehicle was used is unknown. As a supercharged fuel car, it was a serious contender nationwide for the two seasons it was raced, noted for extreme wheelstands and top-end antics. The TT was crashed once by Arnie at Cecil County in early 1966 and again much more severely by driver Arnie Behling during a North Carolina match race in 1967. Beswick never fixed it, and it was relegated to the Morrison junkpile. - Geoff Stunkard | Mr. Donnie Reeves of Marietta, GA, purchased the remains in 1994. He restored the original body utilizing a new fiberglass front end & doors. Don consulted with Arnie Beswick to ensure the TT was as correct as possible. The car even made a couple of passes at a nostalgia show in the mid-90s. The TT was purchased by Mr. Don Snyder Jr. of New Springfield, OH, in 2001 and currently resides in his extensive lightweight & drag car collection (see racer link). | We need to confirm best times.
Submitted by Barb Santucci, Last updated on Sunday, March 28, 2021, 05:34:42 PM by Douglas Dunkel.

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