stimpys little trip

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stimpys little trip

Postby stimpy » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:17 pm

well it was a great thing to go to the DLN's even though I missed the first years , but it was Great ! I first didn't know if I was fgoing to make it one the grounds I didn't have the funding , but then I won $500 in the Illinois state lottery so I was going ...until I found a little mistake in my checkbook :x then I wasn't going but I deciced to do a little creative bookkeeping (the legal type) and found the extra money I needed and also sold off some stuff I didn't need around the house and I was then Making my hotel reservations ( NOW I am Commited or should be committed ...) I was planning on going alone then my girl asked if she could come along as she was starting on her vacation from work cool, then her son who was away for the summer decided to come home or the week , well ... I guess as he never has been to the drags before but the motel room only has one bed .. he got the floor .. well all started out looking good until I recieved a call from my pharmacy about my meds being delayed ( I can't function with out them ) but they said they would have tem by 10 am friday ,we get to the phamacy and I find out my insurance card was expired ...... what!!!! call work , was told to have pharm call insurance company , ok thats covered now time for the road , I was expecting a nice 4 1/2 hour drive . but noooooo. In Rock Island I get cut off by a Semi driver who wasn't paying attention And drove My Girls PT thru the median ( for the fact PTs should be offered with a mower deck option ) if it wasn't for my Training from driving I would have more than likely lost control of the car and spun or flipped but I kept it straight and on the road , we went to the company who owned the truck to file a complaint dsince it was on the way and in turn they called the police on me and the officer told me I could have been arrested ( we where a little high strung but no bodily threats where made ) as I told the people at the trucking company I was filing a complaint , well that was the straw so just to make sure they knew I was serious I turned around and drove to the state police barracks and filed one with sargent on duty ( now this is a little odd since most truck drivers try to avoid the police) well the officer noticed how I talked an asked me If I was a driver and then found out my girl is also a cdl holder , and then told us he will take care of it personally he made a few comments about the type of driver that are being put out there now days and I agreed with him , we felt better knowing that it wouldn't be thrown away like most complaints , so now after losing 1 hour and am off my chosen route we get back to driving , cruising along in Iowas cornfields you kind of loose track of things like checking your gas gauge well the Pt reminds you with a little ding at 2 gallons like as a reminder like DING hey idiot I need food and your getting very close to walking , well not in the mood for pushing a car over Iowas Rolling hills we start looking for a gas station , hmm first exit gas station is closed ( turned into a campground ) ok next exit is 12miles getting close ..... hurray !! a BP!!! and that doesn't stand for our own Bill Pratt either , hmmm this little car only takes 12 gallons not bad for over 295 miles (24.9 mpg) I decided since the car was good and the hills are a little long and the ac is on give it mid grade ( which when we refilled in illinois the milage went up to 26mpg !) well we get going and then no other events get to Oskalooka,well I as I walked in the Hotel who ohter did I meet , well it was BP ! deciciding on where we where going to have our dinner at . enough for now wait for the second edition of I was a DLN Virgin....
the Groom that went Vroom At DLN IV

Rapid Randy Baker
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Postby Rapid Randy Baker » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:53 pm

Great report Stimpy! I heard various comments on the excitement of your trip over. Now I know the rest of the story!! 8)


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Postby stimpy » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:01 pm

thanks Randy ! the best I hope is to come .
the Groom that went Vroom At DLN IV

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Postby Lippy » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:49 am

Stimpy, I'm so glad I got to meet you all, We had a great time, and thanks for the Gnomes!!! :wink:
If you think it's exciting now, wait till we start it.

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Postby stimpy » Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:47 pm

Stimpy, I'm so glad I got to meet you all, We had a great time, and thanks for the Gnomes!!! :wink:
hey whats with the "you all" joke I'm not that big wait till you meet purp!! :lol: and now for the Gnomes ...

PART 2 I was a DLN Virgin till I went to Eddyville ,or otherwise known beware of Gnomes at your hotel door at 3 in the mornin!!!!

well we all met at this little resturaunt in E-ville called sisters , have to say good food for the price and would give it 5 meows on the stimpys choice list ( yes Stimpy Is a CAT) it was crowded but I met alot of people there , the lippys , the zappys , Jer and Cher and the Pratts whom we ( me , Mary and Steven ) sat and had dinner with , I had Chicken planks and corn fritters ( love those things should have had a dinner of them ) after halfway thru dinner our Canadian or is that Canadien ?? contingent showed up ( YES Mr Boyd ) nice to meet him too and glad he could make it from up north , as we where eating is when we recieved the bad news about WC in Dallas , boy talk about a bummer but we where trying to think of anyway possible to get him up there via another airport and send a crew out to get him , Bill even went as far as trying to get him paged at the airport , I was bummed out.. but maybe he could get in tommorrow I hoped , well then the Bakers showed up ( pie and pepsi someone??) then the call of the century Geaves got Mike lost (never trust an Englishman for directions in Iowa )the jokes started to go around , well after dinner we all stood around the parking lot talking getting to know each other, ( funny I saw e-ville PD cruise by twice ) then we saw a local try to impress us with his Holden GTO ( thats what It is ) But how do you impress a group of racers ?? hmm Nitro?? well part of the group went to the Dollar store and part of the group went to the track and the rest of us went back to the hotel ( I needed to calm down after the mornings incident ) so we went back to DLC ( Draglist Cental ) we watched a little tv and went to bed , about 3 in the morning there was a small knock on the door went to the door noone there !!! then the knock came back , opened the door and there where two little gnomes looking for lippy apartently he left them at home ! so they spent the night ( BTW lippy they raided the mini bar and drank all the DR Pepper! ) well the next morning we got up I was a little wiped out still so mary went down and got my breakfast ( thanks dear!) and brought it back to the room while I got ready (Randy Made a comment about having my crew trained right) pretty good eats for a hotel , then it was off to the track , were we found Mike and lippy and made some jokes about 2D navigation systems and I reunited Lippy with his lost buddies ! watched team Prosign unload there entry and Mr Norm and Mrs Bonnie set up there booth with Grandpas Toy , listened to norm explain and talk with the guys on how and what was done to the car It Was Very Interesting ,after looking over the car it made me think boy the Kahunnas the early drivers had .. well then Rapid and Laura showed up and then their cars showed up , watch Zappy about drool a pool when he got to sit and steer the altered into the parking spot it was funny watching him trying to get into the car , then it was time to pulll out Rapids Vette , now remember folks group "A" pushes out, and group" B" pushes it Back in!! after almost catching the valance on the trailer door when the tire missed the ramp , he started it , it burped (smelled like pepsi) and had to restart it and drove it for a little and made a nice run down the strip sweeeeeeet !! love the sound of a Blower at full throttle , well I will end it here as my eyes are getting dry so stay tuned for Part three otherwise known as "they still make Pepsi IN a Bottle?!"
Last edited by stimpy on Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
the Groom that went Vroom At DLN IV

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Billy Mac
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Postby Billy Mac » Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:19 pm

for those of us who were unable to attend (and am still kicking myself because of it)........... MORE STORIES!!!!!! 8) 8) 8)
Long Live Draglist!
Thank You Vets
In God we Trust...(all others pay cash)
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Postby stimpy » Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:51 pm

Hey bill don't kick yourself that leads to more hospital bills , we understood why some people couldn't be there but Next year is gonna be better if it goes the way its supposed to go , more people more cars =more fun !
the Groom that went Vroom At DLN IV

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Postby purple66bu » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:10 pm

Great Story go chase your tail STUPID

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Postby stimpy » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:42 pm

OK REN ^^^^^^ :lol: :lol:
the Groom that went Vroom At DLN IV

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